This is tough, extremely tough, especially if you have lost someone you loved or have been affected by the collapse of our economy, thus losing confidence, losing jobs and for some, safe places to stay … and all the words and platitudes won’t make a darn bit of difference.
I read all the incredible initiatives happening to relieve the suffering and wish that Connolly could manufacture the desperately needed PPE wear or hand sanitisers or develop vaccines but we are just not set up to respond immediately. However, we can help immediately by raising funds for those facing this onslaught daily and nightly on the NHS frontline, and by working with organisations who have direct access to where the supplies are most desperately needed.
We have chosen to work with Covid Smart a not for profit organisation. Set up by three women who have first hand knowledge and experience of the front line: COVID SMART presents the scientific research and facts in an accessible way, contributing to research projects in Oxford, and donating their proceeds from testing and donations, to help key workers’ needs in immediate, practical, grass root ways. These include shower blocks, towels and soap for decontamination (when leaving hospitals), PPE to NHS and home carers and other frontline workers who cannot stay at home.
Covid Smart
Covid Smart was started in late March by three women. Dr Ali Joy, who works as a family doctor with a special interest in adult medicine having worked in cardiology at The National Heart Hospital and ICU at St Georges Hospital; Dr Amanda Welin, an Equine Veterinarian who has worked in Public Health in Sweden and with various animal pandemics; and Keeley Foley is a barrister who has worked in international and human rights law and is training to be a podiatric surgeon.
Together they have set up a not for profit company, called Covid Smart, working with three centres of frontline health care and research excellence, KINGS COLLEGE HOSPITAL and other SOUTH EAST LONDON HOSPITALS, JOHN RADCLIFFE in Oxford and MANCHESTER HOSPITALS.
“With our ear to the ground and access to an international network we are able to link needs with suppliers not for profit. Help us give support directly and where needed ...”
If you would like to donate independently please contact:
Donate to Covid Smart:
Sort code 23-69-72
Account number 23294741
Isabel has recommended the following article to read from the New Yorker by Rivka Galchen.
Image 1 and 2 photographed by Carlotta Manaigo (Models - Richie Beras and Elliot Vulliod.
Image 3 photographed by Ben Weller (Models - Emily Smith).